Profile of St. Dominic’s College, Kanjirapally

(As on date of the peer team vistit)



Name of the Institution                

 St. Dominic’s College, Kanjirapally




 Parathode P.O 686 512, Kottayam Dist.  Kerala     




 0482 – 802 540














Name of the Principal                         

 Fr. Cherian Thalakulam CMI



University to which affiliated                

 Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam



Type of  Institution                            

 Private, Grant-in-Aid



Year of Establishment                         




UGC recognition under 2f as college             




Location of the College                 




Area of the campus                           

 25 acres



Programme offered                             :


Certificate course

1. Computer Applications


Diploma Courses

2. Computer Applications (DCA)

3. Computer Science (DCS)

4. Office Automation (DOA)



5. B.Sc Physics

6. B.Sc Chemistry

7. B.Sc Mathematics

8. B.Sc Botany (vocational)

Programme offered              


9. B.A. Ecomonics

10. B.A History

11. B.A. English (Vocational)

12. B.Com (Regular)

13. B.Com (Vocational)


PG Diploma  


14. Post-Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications (PGDCA)

15. Post-Graduate Diploma in Plantation Management (PGDPM)


PG Courses


16. M.A. Ecomonics

17. M.Com

18. M.Sc Mathematics


Doctoral Reaserach


19. University Research Center in commerce



Number of teachers at present        




Student enrolment in UG              




Student enrolment in other courses             





Changes if any

(As on date )



Accreditation Status                          

 Accredited with A*** (Three Stars)



Validity of the Status                         

From 1999 – 2000 (Academic Year) To     2003 – 2004 (Academic Year)